Author Archives: Allanshaws Farm

Semen For Sale This Autumn


North Country Cheviot Semen For Sale

The 4 ARR/ARR Tups above are with Innovis to get semen collected.  More information and photos available on our Sales page under Semen Sales.

Dingwall Bound

We are heading to Dingwall on Friday 27 October 2017 for the Annual Show and Sale of North Country Cheviot Hill Rams with 4 Shearlings and a Three Shear.  Head over to the Sales / Tup Sales tab for more pictures.


Up & Coming Tup Sales 2017

Sep 8 Kelso North Country Cheviot Park 12 shearlings
Registered Texel 6 shearlings
Un-Registered Texel 6 shearlings
Texel X 6 shearlings
Sep 13 Lockerbie North Country Cheviot Park 12 shearlings
Sep 27 Longtown North Country Cheviot
Oct 7 Stirling Ram Rendevous

Lambing 2017

Lambing 2017 is well under way in time for the kids School Easter Holidays.  Libby had the chance last night to go around the farm with her dog and dad to get a few snaps of the cattle outside and the first of the pure North Country Cheviots Ewes and Gimmers outside with their new lambs and a lovely view of Lauderdale out the back of the farm.

Post Natal Pens Libys Montage

You can now find us on Instagram and Twitter @allanshawsfarm.  It would be great if you were able to follow us on these Social Media Platforms.

Stock Tups Bought 2016

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Finevalley Weapon by Midlock Omega bought at Carlisle

A Bluefaced Leicester from David Sandilands bought at Kelso Ram Sales

Knockem Yabba Dabba Doo sired by Glenside Wildboy bought at Lanark

Up & Coming Tups Sales 2016

We shall be taking tups to the following Tup Sales:

Aug 25 Lanark Registered Texel 1 lamb
Sep 2 Carlisle Registered Texel

3 lambs

1 shearling

Sep 9 Kelso

North Country Cheviot


Registered Texel

Un-Registered Texel

Texel X

12 shearlings

18 shearlings

6 shearlings

6 shearlings

6 shearlings

Sep 14 Lockerbie North Country Cheviot 12 shearlings
Sep 21 Lockerbie North Country Cheviot

5 shearlings

1 Four Shear

Sep 28 Longtown North Country Cheviot 10 shearlings